Tables – Commercial Vegetable Growers Handbook

Soils and Fertilizers

Table III-1. Common Incomplete Fertilizers or Farm-Type Fertilizers

Fertilizer %N %P2O5 %K2O
Ammonium Nitrate 34 0 0
>Ammonium Sulfate 21 0 0
Monoammonium Phosphate 11 48 0
Muriate of Potash (potassium chloride) 0 0 60
Potassium Sulfate 0 0 52
Super Phosphate 0 20 0
Triple Super Phosphate 0 45 0
Urea 46 0 0
Urea-ammonium nitrate (liquid) 32 0 0

Table III-2. Comparison of Conventional and Slow Release Fertilizers

Type of Fertilizer Advantages Disadvantages
Slow Release Fertilizer
  • Fewer applications
  • Low burn potential
  • Release rates vary depending on fertilizer characteristics
  • Comparatively slow release rate
  • Unit cost is high
  • Availability limited
  • Release rate governed by factors other than plant needed
  • Regulated by temperature
Conventional Fertilizer
  • Fast acting
  • Most are acid forming
  • Low cost
  • Greater burn potential
  • Solidifies in the bag when wet
  • N leaches readily
Manures or Sewage Sludge
  • Low burn potential
  • Relatively slow release
  • Contains micronutrients
  • Conditions soil
  • Salt and/or sodium could be a problem
  • Bulky, difficult to handle
  • Odor
  • Expensive per pound of actual nutrient
  • Weed seeds a problem
  • Heavy metals may be present in sewage sludge if not classified as Class A sludge (more frequent in sludge from large cities)
  • Application at the nitrogen rate over several years will lead to a buildup of phosphorous

Table III-3. Approximate Nutrient Content of Manures and Suggested Yearly Rates of Application per 1,000 Square Feet of Area

Manure Type(dry) % N % P2O5 % K2O Suggested amounts of material (lb per 1000 sq. ft)
Chicken Manure 2.0 – 4.5 4.6 – 6.0 1.2 – 2.4 125
Steer Manure 0.6 – 2.5 0.9 – 1.6 2.4 – 3.6 450
Dairy Manure 0.6 – 2.1 0.7 – 1.1 2.4 – 3.6 600

* Cut rates by 50% if soils are saline, or water has a medium to high salinity hazard.

Table III-4. A List of Commonly Used Fertilizers and Salt Index or Burn Potential

Material Analysis Burn Potential per Equal Weights of Material
Ammonium Nitrate 33% N 104.7
Ammonium Sulfate 21% N 69.0
Potassium Nitrate 14% N 73.6
Urea 46% N 75.4
URAN 32% N 74.2
Concentrated Super Phosphate 45% P2O5 10.1
Diammonium Phosphate 21% N; 54% P2O5 34.2
Superphosphate 20% P2O5 7.8
Potassium Chloride 60% K2O 116.3
Potassium Sulfate 54% K2O 46.1
Dolomite 30% Calcium Oxide
20% Magnesium Oxide
Gypsum 33% Calcium Oxide 8.1
Epsom Salt 16% Magnesium Oxide 44.0
Salt Index Sodium Nitrate 100

Table III-5. Crop Response to Salinity

(expressed as ECCE, mmho/cm, or dS/m)
Crop Response
0 – 2 Salinity effects mostly negligible
2 – 4 Yields of very sensitive crops may be restricted
4 – 8 Yields of many crops restricted
8 – 16 Only tolerant crops yield satisfactorily
> 16 Only a few very tolerant crops yield satisfactorily

Cultural Practices

Table IV-1. Relative Vegetable Water Needs

Seasonal Water Demand Crop Approximate Demand (inch)
High Broccoli 20 – 25
Cabbage 20 – 25
Cauliflower 20 – 25
Slicer Cucumber 20 – 25
Eggplant 20 – 35
Onion 25 – 30
Pepper 25 – 35
Potato 20 – 40
Pumpkin 25 – 30
Sweet corn 20 – 35
Tomato 20 – 25
Moderate Asparagus 10 – 18
Pinto Bean 15 – 20
Cantaloupe 15 – 20
Cowpea 10 – 20
Pickling cucumber 15 – 20
Low Lettuce 8 – 12
Mustard greens 10 – 15
Radish 5 – 6
Spinach 10 -15
Turnip 10 – 15
Watermelon 10 – 15

Table IV-2. Nitrogen Requirements for Fertigation of Vegetable Crops

Crop Growth Stage N required (lb/A/week)
Broccoli Early Growth 5 – 101
Midseason 10 – 20
Button Formation 15 – 30
Head Development 10 – 20
Cucumber Vegetative Growth 5 – 10
Early Flowering/Fruit Set 10 – 20
Fruit Bulking 10 – 15
First Harvest 5 – 10
Lettuce Early Growth 5 – 10
Cupping 10 – 20
Head Filling 15 – 30
Melon Vegetative Growth 5 – 10
Early Flowering/Fruit Set 10 – 20
Fruit Bulking 10 – 15
First Harvest 5 – 10
Pepper Vegetative Growth 5 – 10
Early Flowering/Fruit Set 15 – 30
Fruit Bulking 15 – 20
First Harvest 5 – 10
Squash Vegetative Growth 5 – 10
Early flowering 10 – 20
First Harvest 5 – 10
Tomato Vegetative Growth 5 – 10
Early Flowering/Fruit Set 15 – 20
Fruit Bulking 10 – 15
First Harvest 5 – 10

1 Higher values represent fertilization needs in soils with small amounts of residual nitrogen or where higher temperatures causes rapid plant growth
Source: Hartz, T. K. 1993. Drip irrigation and fertigation management of vegetable crops. Department of Vegetable Crops, University of California, Davis

Table IV-3. Degree of Toxicity of Pesticides on Honeybees

Highly Toxic:
Severe bee losses can be expected if the following materials are used when honeybees are present at treatment time or within a day thereafter.
Moderately Toxic:
These can be used in the vicinity of honeybees if the dosage, timing, and method of application are correct. However, they should not be applied directly on honey bees in the field or at the hives.
Relatively Non-Toxic:
This group of materials can be used with a minimum of injury.
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) disulfoton (Di-Syston) Bacillus thuringiensis (Dipel)
carbofuran (Furadan) endosulfan (Thiodan) dicofol (Kelthane Miticide)
Parathion phorate (Thimet) Pyrethrum
dimethoate (dimethoate) oxamyl (Vydate) Rotenone
methidathion (Supracide) Trichlorfon
methyl parathion (Penncap-M)
diazinon (Diazinon)
azinphosmethyl (Guthion)
naled (Dibrom)
malathion (Cythion, Malathion)
phosmet (Imidan)
acephate (Orthene)
carbaryl (Sevin)
methamidophos (Monitor)

Adapted from the Indiana Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers.


Table V-1. Principal Data Needed for Farm Irrigation System Design

Data Specific Requirements
Crop Distribution and area of each crop to be grown;
Suitability of each crop to climate, soils, farming practices, markets;
Planting dates for each crop to be grown over the expected life of the project
Soil Area distribution of soils,
Water holding and infiltration characteristics,
Drainage requirements,
Erosion potential of each soil
Water Requirement Data for estimating daily and seasonal water requirements for each crop
Water Supply Location of water source,
Amount of water or pumping capacity, water surface elevation;
Hydrologic and water quality information for assessing the availability, costs, and suitability of the water for irrigation;
Water rights information
Energy Source Location, availability, and type of source(s);
Cost information
Capital and Labor Capital available for system development,
Level of technical skill,
Cost of labor
Other Topographic map showing location of roads, buildings, drainways, and other physical features that influence design, financial situation of farmer, or farmer preferences

Table V-2. Typical Overall On-farm Efficiencies for Various Types of Irrigation Systems (adapted from James, 1988)

System Overall Efficiency (%)
a) Average
b) Land leveling and delivery pipeline meeting design standards
c) Tail water recovery with (b)
d) Combination level and graded flow irrigation (max 0.1% grade and block ends)
e) Surge
50 – 80
80 – 95
60 – 90
Sprinkler 55 – 75
Center Pivot 55 – 75
a) Bubble Mode
b) Spray Mode
95 – 98
80 – 85
Drip 80 – 90

* Surge has been found to increase efficiencies 8 to 28% over nonsurge furrow systems.
** Trickle systems are typically designed at 90% efficiency, short laterals (< 100 ft) or systems with pressure compensating emitters may have higher efficiencies

Table V-3. Comparison of Irrigation Systems in Relation to Site and Situation Factors

Site and Situation Factors Well-Designed Surface Systems Level Basins Intermittent*
Mechanical Move
Mechanical Move
Solid Set and Permanent Emitters and Drip Tubing
Infiltration Rate Moderate to low Moderate All Medium to high All All
Topography Moderate slopes Small slopes Level to rolling Level to rolling Level to rolling All
Crops All All Generally shorter crops All but trees and vineyards All High value required
Water Supply Large streams Very large streams Small streams nearly continuous Small streams nearly continuous Small streams Small streams continuous and clean
Labor Requirement High, training required Low, some training Moderate, some training Low, some training Low to seasonal high, little training Low to high, some training
Capital Requirement Low to moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate High High
Energy Requirement Low Low Moderate to high Moderate to high Moderate Low to moderate
Management Skill High Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate High
Windy Conditions Good Good Poor Poor to excellent*** Fair Fair to excellent

* Side roll, big guns, etc.
** Center pivot
*** Depends on type of water applicators
Adapted from: G.O. Schwab, R.K. Frevert, T.W. Edminster, and K.K. Barnes, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, 1981. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, pp 430-431.

Table V-4. Annual Maintenance, Repairs, and Depreciation for Irrigation System Components

Component Depreciation (hours) Period (year) Annual Maintenance and
Repair Percent of Initial Cost
Wells and Casings 20 – 30 0.5 – 1.5
Pumping Plant Structure
Pump, Vertical Turbine 20 – 40 0.5 – 1.5
Bowls 16,000 – 20,000 8 – 10 5 – 7
Column, etc. 32,000 – 40,000 16 – 20 3 – 5
Pump, Centrifugal 32,000 – 50,000 16 – 25 3 – 5
Power Transmission: Gear Head 30,000 – 36,000 5 – 7
V-belt 6,000 3 5 – 7
Flat Belt, Rubber and Fabric 10,000 5 5 – 7
Flat Belt, Leather 20,000 10 5 – 7
Prime Movers: Electric Motor 50,000 – 70,000 25 – 35 1.5 – 2.5
Diesel Engine 28,000 14 5 – 8
Gasoline Engine: Air Cooled 8,000 4 6 – 9
Water Cooled Engine 18,000 9 5 – 8
Propane Engine 28,000 14 4 – 7
Open Farm Ditches (permanent) 20 – 25 0.5 – 1.0
Concrete Structure 20 – 40 0.5 – 1.0
Pipe: Asbestos, Cement, PVC (buried) 40 0.25 – 0.75
Aluminum (surface) 10 – 12 1.5 – 2.5
Steel, waterworks class, (buried) 40 0.25 – 0.50
Steel, coated and lines, (buried) 40 0.25 – 0.50
Steel, coated (buried) 20 – 25 0.50 – 0.75
Steel, coated, (surface) 10 – 12 1.5 – 2.5
Steel, galvanized (surface) 15 1.0 – 2.0
Steel, coated and line (surface) 20 – 25 1.0 – 2.0
Wood (buried) 20 0.75 – 1.25
Aluminum, sprinkler use (surface) 15 1.5 – 2.5
Reinforced Plastic Mortar (buried) 40 0.25 – 0.50
Plastic (trickle, surface) 10 1.5 – 2.5
Sprinkler Head 8 5 – 8
Drip Emitters 8 5 – 8
Drip Filters 12 – 15 6 – 9
Land Grading None 1.5 – 2.5
Reservoirs None 2.0 – 2.0
Mechanical Move Sprinklers 12 – 16 5 – 8

Source: G.T. Thompson, L.B. Spiess, and J.N. Krider, Farm Resources and System Selection, In Design and Operation of Farm Irrigation, Systems, 1980, M.E. Jensen (Ed.) ASAE Monograph 3, St. Joseph, MI, p. 45

Table V-5. Required Flow Rate Capacity of Irrigation Wells

gpm/acre inch/week Inches in Irrigation Days
30 45 60 80 100
1.5 0.55 0.08 2.4 3.8 4.8 6.4 8
2 0.75 0.11 3.2 4.8 6.4 8.5 10.6
2.5 0.93 0.13 4 6 8 10.6 13.3
3 1.1 0.16 4.8 7.2 9.5 12.7 15.9
3.5 1.3 0.18 5.6 8.3 11.1 14.8 18.6
4 1.5 0.21 6.4 9.5 12.7 17 21.2
4.5 1.67 0.24 7.2 10.7 14.3 19.1 23.9
5 1.85 0.27 8 11.9 15.9 21.2 26.5
5.5 2 0.29 8.7 13.1 17.5 23.3 29.2
6 2.25 0.32 9.5 14.3 19.1 25.4 31.8
6.5 2.41 0.34 10.3 15.5 20.7 27.5 34.4
7 2.6 0.37 11.1 16.7 22.6 29.7 37.1

Table V-6. Approximate Maximum Flow Rate in Different Pipe Sizes to keep Velocity at 5 ft/sec

Pipe Diameter (inch) Flow Rate (gpm) Pipe Diameter (inch) Flow Rate (gpm)
½ 6 4 200
¾ 10 5 310
1 15 6 440
25 8 780
35 10 1225
2 50 12 1760
3 110 16 3140

Table V-7. Approximate Friction Losses in Feet of Head per 100 Feet of Pipe

Pipe size 4-inch 6-inch 8-inch 10-inch 12-inch
Steel Alum. PVC Steel Alum. PVC Steel Alum. PVC Steel Alum. PVC Steel Alum. PVC
Flow Rate (gpm)
100 1.2 0.9 0.6
150 2.5 1.8 1.2 0.3 0.2 0.2
200 4.3 3.0 2.1 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1
250 6.7 4.8 3.2 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
300 9.5 6.2 4.3 1.3 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
400 16.0 10.6 7.2 2.2 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
500 24.1 17.1 11.4 3.4 2.4 1.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
750 51.1 36.3 24.1 7.1 5.0 3.4 1.8 1.3 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1
1000 87.0 61.8 41.1 12.1 8.6 5.7 3.0 2.1 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2
1250 131.4 93.3 62.1 18.3 3.0 8.6 4.5 3.2 2.1 1.5 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.3
1500 184.1 130.7 87.0 25.6 18.2 12.1 6.3 4.5 3.0 2.1 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.6 0.4
1750 244.9 173.9 115 34.1 24.2 16.1 8.4 6.0 4.0 2.8 2.0 1.3 1.2 0.9 0.6
2000 313.4 222.5 148.1 43.6 31.0 20.6 10.8 7.7 5.1 3.6 2.6 1.7 1.5 1.1 0.7

Note: Flow rates below horizontal line for each pipe size exceed the recommended 5 ft per second velocity.

Table V-8. Interpretation of Tensiometer Readings for Vegetables

Dial Reading in Centibars Interpretation
Nearly saturated 0 Nearly saturated soil often occurs for a day or two following irrigation. Danger of water-logged soils, a high water table, poor soil aeration, or the tensiometer may have broken tension if readings persist.
Field capacity 10 Field capacity. Irrigations discontinued at field capacity to prevent waste by deep percolation and leaching of nutrients below the root zone.
Irrigation range 20 Usual range for starting irrigations. Most of the available soil moisture is used up in sandy loam soils. For clay loams, only one or two days of soil moisture remain.
Dry 30


This is the stress range for most vegetable crops.
Top range of accuracy of tensiometer. Readings above this are possible but many tensiometers will break tension between 80 to 85 centibars.

Table V-9. Maximum Water Infiltration Rate in Various Soil Types

Soil Type Infiltration Rate (inch/hr)*
Sand 2
Loamy sand 1.8
Sandy loam 1.5
Loam 1
Silt and clay loam 0.5
Clay 0.2

* Assumes a full crop cover. Bare soil rate is ½ of full crop cover

Table V-10. Recommended Chemical Treatments for Selected Conditions

Water Quality Suggested Treatment
Ca > 50 ppm

Mg > 50 ppm

Hard water, caused by high ppm concentrations of Ca or Mg, can reduce flow rates by the buildup of scales on pipe walls and emitter orifices. Periodic injection of an HCl solution may be required throughout the season. Lower concentrations of Ca and Mg may require HCl treatment every few years.
Fe > 0.5 ppm

S > 0.5 ppm

Iron and sulfur, as well as other metal contaminants, provide an environment in water that is conducive to bacterial activity. The by-products of the bacteria in combination with the fine (less than 100-micron) suspended solids can cause system plugging. Bacterial activity can be controlled by chlorine injection and line flushing on a regular basis throughout the irrigation season. Bacterial activity is prevalent in Fe and S concentrations S over 0.5 ppm, but may also occur at lower concentrations.

Source: British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Water Treatment Guidelines for Trickle Irrigation, Engineering Reference Information R512.000, 1982. 2 pp.

Table V-11. Possible Causes of Changes in Irrigation System Flow

Increased Flow Improperly adjusted gates, valves, checks
Pipeline leaks and breaks
Pressure downstream of pressure regulators is too high
Worn or oversize sprinkler nozzles, emission devices, etc.
System on too long (as indicated by higher than expected volumes of flow)
Decreased flow Improperly adjusted gates, valves, checks
Clogged sprinklers, emission devices, screens, filters, etc.
Pressure downstream of pressure regulators too low.
Existence of entrapped air in the system
System not on long enough (as indicated by lower than expected volumes of flow)

Insect Management

Table VI-1. Vegetable Varieties that have shown Some Resistance to Specific Insect Pests

Vegetable Variety Insect resistance
Bean (snap) Wade Striped Flea Beetle
Broccoli De Cicco Striped Flea Beetle
Cabbage Early Globe
Red Acre
Round Dutch
Cabbage Looper, Imported Cabbageworm
Cabbage Looper, Imported Cabbageworm
Cabbage Looper, Imported Cabbageworm
Cabbage (Chinese) Michihili Diamondback Moth
Collard Georgia Striped Flea Beetle, Harlequin Bug
Corn (sweet) Golden Security Corn Earworm
Cucumber Ashley
Pickleworm, Spotted Cucumber Beetle
Spotted Cucumber Beetle
Kale Vates Diamondback Moth
Mustard Florida Broadleaf Diamondback Moth, Striped Flea Beetle
Radish Cherry Belle
White Icicle
Diamondback Moth, Harlequin Bug
Harlequin Bug
Squash Early Prolific
White Bush
Pickleworm, Striped
Cucumber Beetle
Pickleworm, Striped
Cucumber Beetle
Striped Cucumber Beetle
Sweetpotato Centennial
Sweetpotato Flea Beetle, Potato Wireworm
Sweetpotato Flea Beetle, Potato Wireworm
Turnip Seven Top Diamondback Moth, Striped Flea Beetle
Rutabaga American Purple Top Diamondback Moth, Striped Flea Beetle

Disease Management

Table VII-1 Characteristics to evaluate when Diagnosing Diseases

General Symptoms Specific Symptoms Possible Causes
Distribution in the Field Symptoms observed over a wide area on several crops Soil Problem
Low Fertility
Insect Injury
Physiological Problem
Symptoms observed over a wide area on a single crop Soil Problem
Low Fertility
Insect Injury
Foliage Pathogen (advanced stage of epidemic)
Symptoms observed scattered over a field on a single crop Soilborne Root Rot Fungi
Soilborne Wilt Organisms
Foliar Pathogens
Soil Problem
Insect Injury
Foliage symptoms General yellowing Wet Soil
Low Fertility
Root Rot Pathogens
Necrotic spots on leaves Spots Generally Round (Fungal leafspot)
Spots Generally Angular (Bacterial leafspot)
White powdery substance on leaf surface Powdery Mildew
Light yellow spot on upper leaf surface downy growth on lower surface Downy Mildew
Ruptured areas on lower leaf surface White in center of ruptured area (White Rust)
Reddish brown to orange in center of ruptured area (Rust)
Light and dark green areas on a leaf Appears in a random pattern in the field (Virus)
Appears in rows (Nutrient Deficiency)
Leaves distorted Virus
Leaves with holes or chewed areas Insect Injury
Leaves yellow, wilt and die Root decayed (Root Rot)
Brown ring in vascular portion of root (Fusarium Wilt)
Roots cut or damaged by feeding (Insects; Gophers or Moles)
Damage in low areas of field (Root Rot; Poor Drainage)
Root Symptoms Roots decayed Root Rot
Poor Drainage
Roots with discoloration beneath outer layer Fusarium Wilt
Swellings on roots and stem Large swelling (Crown Gall Bacterium)
Small swellings which appear in a random patter on roots (Root Knot Nematode)
Small swelling at root tips (Dagger Nematode)
Root tips dead Isolated areas (Nematodes; Fertilizer Burn)
Affected area is in a pattern or over the general field (Fertilizer Burn)
Roots dead with white fungal strands around the stem at the soil line Southern Blight
Fruit Symptoms Fruit decay scattered over fruit surface Watery soft decay, foul odor (Bacterial Soft Rot)
Firm to watery soft rot (Fungal Decay)
Hard black decay at blossom end Blossom end rot (Nutrient and Water Problem)
Fruit distorted Virus
Faint rings visible on fruit Virus
Light colored blotchy appearance Insects
Dark raised areas on fruit Bacterial Leafspot

Table VII-2. Grouping of Vegetables based on Susceptibly to Similar Diseases

Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F Group G
Cucurbitaceous Cruciferous Solanaceous Beets Leguminous Onions Sweet Corn
Watermelon Cabbage Pepper Swiss Chard Beans Garlic
Pumpkin Radish Tomato Spinach Southern Peas Leek
Cucumber Cauliflower Irish Potato English Peas Shallot
Squash Broccoli Eggplant Snow Peas
Cantaloupe Brussels Sprouts
Honeydew Melon Mustard
Cushaw Collards
Chinese Cabbage
Pak Choi

Table VII-3. Common Diseases of Specific Vegetables and their Control

Crop Disease Control
Beans, Snap Southern Blight Apply preplant soil fungicide
Deep burial of crop residue
Damping Off Planting at soil temperature > 60°F
Plant on raised beds
Plant treated seed
Apply preplant soil fungicide
Bean Mosaic (virus) Virus-free seed
Resistant cultivars
Bacterial Blight Pathogen-free seed
Apply copper fungicides
Two year crop rotation
Cercospora and other Fungal Leafspots Apply fungicides as needed
Two year crop rotation
White Mold Apply fungicides as needed
Wide row spacing and orientation to favor drying of the canopy
Rust Apply fungicides as needed
Crop rotation
Resistant cultivars
Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Kale Black Rot Plant hot water treated seed
Plant resistant varieties
Plant on raised bed to avoid flooding
Two year crop rotation
Downy Mildew Plant resistant varieties
Apply fungicides as needed
Alternaria Leafspot Apply fungicides as needed
Cucurbits: Watermelon, Pumpkin, Cantaloupe, Squash, Cucumber, Cushaw Fusarium Wilt Crop rotation (5+ years)
Resistant cultivars
Powdery Mildew Resistant cultivars
Apply fungicides as needed
Downy Mildew Resistant cultivars
Apply fungicides on a preventative basis
Anthracnose (watermelon, cucumber, cantaloupe) Resistant cultivars
Crop rotation
Apply fungicides on a preventative basis
Alternaria Leafspot, Cercospora Leafspot Apply fungicides as needed
Two year crop rotation
Angular Leafspot Pathogen-free seed
Apply copper fungicides
Avoid overhead irrigation
Bacterial Wilt (cucumber) Control beetle vector
Resistant cultivars
Fruit Blotch (watermelon) Pathogen-free seed
Copper fungicides
Two year crop rotation
Avoid overhead irrigation
Gummy Stem Blight Two year crop rotation
Apply fungicides on a preventative basis
Choanephora Wet Rot Frequent sprays of blossoms with copper fungicides
Keep fruit cool and dry after harvest
Virus Diseases Resistant cultivars
Carrot Bacterial Soft Rot Minimize injury during harvesting, grading and packing.
If carrots are washed after harvesting, they can be dipped in a 1:500 solution of sodium hypochlorite (5.25%)
Store at a temperature just above 32°F.
Crown Rot Crop rotation (4 to 5 years)
Cercospora or Alternaria Leaf Blight Apply fungicides as needed
Aster Yellows Control leafhoppers
Control weeds in and around fields
Corn, Sweet & Pop Northern Corn Leaf Blight Burial of crop residue
Apply fungicides as needed
Rusts (Common, Southern) Resistant cultivars
Crop rotation
Burial of crop residue
Downy Mildew Metalaxyl/mefenoxam seed treatment
Do not plant on land subject to flooding
Do not plant sweet corn following sorghum
Two year crop rotation
Common Smut Resistant cultivars
Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Resistant or tolerant cultivars
Eradication of johnsongrass in and around the field
Eggplant Southern Blight Deep burial of crop residue
Crop rotation (do not follow beans, tomatoes, southern peas, okra or peanuts)
Verticillium Wilt Soak seed for 20 minutes in 120°F water
Phomopsis Blight Resistant cultivars
Pathogen-free seed
Three year crop rotation
Apply fungicides as needed
Lettuce Bacterial Soft Rots Plant in well-drained soil
Use furrow or drip irrigation
Downy Mildew Resistant cultivars
Three year crop rotation
Apply fungicides as needed
Bottom Rot Do not plant lettuce following tomatoes, Irish potatoes, or beans
Plant on wide, raised beds
Deep burial of crop residue
Apply fungicides as needed
Sclerotinia Drop Follow long rotations
Plant on well-drained soil
Use furrow or drip irrigation; Resistant cultivars
Apply fungicides as needed
Lettuce Mosaic Control weeds in and around the field
Plant only Mosaic Indexed seed (MTO)
Resistant cultivars
Mustard, Turnip, Radish White Rust & Downy Mildew Apply fungicides as needed
Crop rotation
Burial of crop residue
Anthracnose & Cercospora Leafspot Two year crop rotation
Apply fungicides as needed
Onion, Garlic, Shallot Pink Root Resistant cultivars
Purple Blotch Crop rotation
Apply fungicides as needed
Botrytis Leaf Blight Apply fungicides as needed
Pea (English, Sugar Snap, Edible Pod) Fusarium and Pythium Root Rot Crop rotation
Powdery Mildew Apply fungicides as needed
Resistant cultivars
Pepper (Bell and Hot) Phytophthora Blight Plant on well-drained soil
Plant on raised beds
Apply fungicides as needed
Cercospora Leafspot One year crop rotation
Apply fungicides as needed
Powdery Mildew Apply fungicides as needed
Viruses (several) Control weeds in and around field
Resistant cultivars
Bacterial Spot Resistant cultivars
Apply copper bactericides
Potato Black Leg Avoid excessive irrigation
Avoid washing seed potatoes
Common Scab Maintain high soil moisture before and after tuber set
Early Blight Apply fungicides as needed
Late Blight Preventative applications of fungicides
Viruses Plant virus-free seed
Spinach, Swiss Chard Fusarium Wilt Long crop rotation
White Rust Three year crop rotation
Apply fungicides as needed
Burial of crop residue
Resistant cultivars
Downy Mildew Crop rotation
Soil treatment with metalaxyl or mefenoxam Resistant cultivars
Burial of crop residue
Fungal Leafspots Apply fungicides as needed
Crop rotation
Burial of crop residue
Viruses (several) Resistant cultivars
Control weeds in and around the field
Sweetpotato Scurf Do not use manure where sweet potatoes are to be planted
Plant slips from disease free roots
Crop rotation
Southern Blight Deep burial of crop residue
Crop rotation
Black Rot Plant clean slips clipped 1 inch above the soil line
Crop rotation
Tomato Fusarium Wilt Resistant cultivars
Southern Blight Crop rotation
Deep burial of crop residue
Apply soil fungicide as preplant treatment
Early Blight Apply fungicides as needed
Septoria Leaf Spot Crop rotation
Anthracnose Resistant cultivars
Do not plant tomatoes following cabbage, lettuce, mustard and solanaceous weeds
Apply fungicides as needed
Stemphylium Leaf Spot Apply fungicides as needed
Late Blight Apply fungicides as needed
Use plastic mulch to prevent fruit from coming in contact with the soil
Avoid heavy irrigations just prior to and during harvest
Buckeye Rot Three year crop rotation
Plant on raised beds
Avoid heavy applications of water just prior to and during harvest
Tomato Spotted Wilt Control thrips
Rogue diseased plants
Do not plant tomatoes near Irish potatoes
Other Viruses Resistant cultivars
Control weeds in and around field

Chemical Application and Safety

Table IX-1. Summary of Sprayer Types

Type Size Tank Pressure Speed Cost Use
Small Sprayers
Handheld 1 – 3 gal variable1 variable2 $15 – $100 Spot, small acreage
Backpack 3 – 5 gal variable variable $90 – $150 Spot, small acreage
Backpack 5 gal constant3 variable $400 Spot, small acreage
Backpack (mist blower) 2 – 3 gal NA4 variable $400 – $600 Spot, small-medium size acreage
Handheld controlled
Droplet sprayer 2 – 5 pt NA variable $200 – $300 Spot, small acreage
Large Sprayer
Boom sprayer (tractor mounted) 25 – 300 gal constant constant $200 – $2,000 Small-large acreage

Table IX-2. Nozzle height for flat fan nozzles

Nozzle Height (inches)
Spray Angle 20″ Spacing 30″ Spacing
65 21 – 23 32 – 34
80 17 – 19 24 – 26
110 10 – 12 13 – 15

Table IX-3. Normal Hose Flow Rates

Hose Size in inches 3/8″ 1/2″ 5/8″ 3/4″ 1″ 1 1/4″
Max. Flow (gpm) 2 4 8 12 20 40

Table IX-4. Materials Used in the Manufacture of Nozzles

Material Corrosive Abrasive Cost
Brass Mod. Resistant Susceptible Inexpensive
Nylon Resistant Susceptible Inexpensive
Stainless Steel Resistant Resistant Expensive
Hardened Tungsten Resistant Resistant Very Expensive
Ceramic Resistant Resistant Very Expensive

Table IX-5. Spray calibration distances for different tip spacing (a boom with 2 or more tips) or spray pattern widths (a single tip)

Nozzle Spacing (inches) Calibration Distance (feet)
28 146
24 170
20 204
18 227
16 255
14 292
12 340
10 408

Table IX-6. Required Distance to Travel at Different Nozzle Spacing

Spacing (in) Row Width or
Nozzle Distance (ft)
Spacing (in) Row Width or
Nozzle Distance (ft)
40 102 26 157
38 107 24 170
36 113 22 185
34 120 20 204
32 127 18 227
30 136 16 255
28 146 14 291

Table IX-7. Conversion Table

1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons = 0.5 ounces
1 oz. = 2 tablespoons
1 cup = 1/2 pint = 16 tablespoons = 8 ounces
1 pint = 2 cups = 32 tablespoons = 16 ounces = 1 lb.
1 gallon = 16 cups = 8 pints = 4 quarts = 8.4 pound of water
1 cu. feet = 7.48 gallons o= 62.4 pounds
1 acre = 43,560 sq. feet
1 mph = 88 feet/minute

Harvest and Handling

Table X-l. Cooling Methods for Vegetables

Method1 Vegetable Comments
Room Cooling All vegetables Too slow for many perishable commodities. Cooling rates vary extensively within loads, pallets, and containers
Forced Air Cooling (Pressure Cooling) Strawberry, Fruit-type Vegetables, Tubers, Cauliflower Much faster than room cooling:, cooling rates very uniform. Container venting and stacking requirements are critical to effective cooling
Hydrocooling Stems, Leafy Vegetables, Some Fruit-type Vegetables Very fast cooling; uniform cooling in bulk if properly used, but may vary extensively in packed shipping containers; daily cleaning and sanitation measure essential; product must tolerate wetting; water tolerant shipping containers may be needed
Package Icing Roots, Stems, Some Flower-type Vegetables, Green Onion, Brussels Sprouts Fast cooling; limited to commodities that can tolerate water-ice contact; water tolerant shipping containers are essential
Transit Cooling Mechanical Refrigeration All Vegetables
Top-Icing and Channel-Icing Some Roots, Stems, Leafy Vegetables, Muskmelon Cooling in most available equipment is too slow and variable; generally not effective. Slow and irregular, top-ice weight reduces net pay load; water-tolerant shipping containers needed

Table X-2. Effect of pH on Amount of Active Chlorine in Solution

pH % Active Chlorine
6.5 90
7.0 73
7.2 66
7.6 45
8.0 21
8.5 10

Table X-3. Chilling Injury Symptoms1

Product Lowest Safe Temperature (°F) Symptoms
Asparagus 32/36 Dull, gray green, limp tips
Bean, lima 34/40 Rusty brown specks, spots
Bean, snap 45 Pitting and russeting
Cucumber 45 Pitting, water soaked spots
Eggplant 45 Surface scald, Alternaria rot, blackening of seeds
Muskmelon 36/41 Pitting, surface decay
Honeydew 45/50 Reddish tan discoloration, pitting, surface decay, failure to ripen
Watermelon 40 Pitting, objectionable flavor
Pepper, Sweet 45 Sheet pitting, Alternaria rot on pods and calyxes darkening of seed
Potato 38 Browning, sweetening
Pumpkin and Winter Squash 50 Decay, especially Alternaria rot
Sweetpotato 55 Decay, pitting, internal discoloration, hard core when cooked
Tomato, mature green 55 Poor color when ripe, Alternaria rot
Tomato, ripe 45/50 Water soaking and softening, decay

1 Stored at low but nonfreezing temperatures

Table X-4. Susceptibility of Fruits and Vegetables to Freezing Injury1

Most Susceptible Least Susceptible
Asparagus Beet
Beans, snap Brussels Sprouts
Cabbage Turnip
Cucumber Kale
Eggplant Kohlrabi
Lettuce Parsnips
Okra Salsify
Pepper, sweet
Squash, Summer

1Most = injured by one light freezing
Least = lightly frozen several times without serious damage, but shelf life likely reduced

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