Angular Leaf Spot
Soft Rot
Bacterial Rind Necrosis
Charcoal Rot
Belly Rot
Phytophthora Rot
Pythium Rot
Choanephora Rot
Gray Mold
Fusarium Rot
Fusarium Root and Stem Rot
Gummy Stem Blight
Southern Blight
Cucumber Mosaic
Squash Leaf Curl
Watermelon Mosaic
Zucchini Yellow Mosaic
Cold Damage
Blossom End Rot
Light Belly Color
Poor Pollination
Horticulture Extension Sites > Vegetable Resources > Problem Solvers > Cucurbit Problem Solver > Cucurbit Fruit Disorders
Cucurbit Fruit Disorders
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- Texas Vegetable Growers Handbook
- Chapter I: Introduction
- Chapter II: Marketing
- Chapter III: Soils and Fertilizers
- Chapter IV: Cultural Practices
- Chapter V: Irrigation
- Chapter VI: Insect Management
- Chapter VII: Disease Management
- Chapter VIII: Weed Management
- Chapter IX: Chemical Application and Safety
- Chapter X: Harvesting and Handling
- Appendix
- Organic Vegetable Production Guide
- Guide to Marketing Organic Produce
- Composts in Vegetable & Fruit Production
- Vegetable Show Planning Guide
- The Crops of Texas
- Forward and Acknowledgements
- Introduction & Background
- Highlights and Overviews
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- Green Industries
- Appendix 1. Descriptions of geographic regions in Texas
- Appendix 2. Honey Bees and Crop Pollination
- Appendix 3. Crop Fertilization
- Appendix 4. Pesticide Application
- Appendix 5. Health Benefits
- Appendix 6 – References
- Appendix 7 – Contributors
- Specialty Crops of Texas
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- Additional Resources