Poinsettia Economics & Marketing – Table 1



Date Description Equipment Labor Materials Subtotal
Hours Costs ($) Quant/Unit Cost/Unit Cost ($)
9/1 Fill pots with potting media; move pots to benches under lights; space pot to pot 30 HP tractor
with bucket
1.25 6.87 7.69 cu. yard 19.00 146.11 152.98 5.35 158.34
cart 6.67 36.67 36.67 1.28 37.95
– 1000 6″ pots 1000 pots 0.05 45.00 45.00 1.58 46.58
Unoack cuttings; Grade; Pot 1 cutting/6″ pot; Mist foliage/Hand water hand 23.33 128.33 1000 each 0.65 650.00 778.33 27.24 805.57
Apply granular systemic insecticide – Oxamyl hand 2 12.65 3.05 lbs. 6.62 20.19 32.84 1.15 33.99
Drench for disease control sprayer 2.17 11.92 11.92 0.42 12.33
– Truban 0.23 lb. 24.12 5.65 5.65 0.20 5.85
– Terraclor 0.63 lb. 9.31 5.82 5.82 0.20 6.02
Water in Trench Irrigation System 0.28 1.56 1.56 0.05 1.61
9/1-14 Water/fertilize as needed Irrigation System 1.95 10.72 14 days 0.25 3.54 14.27 0.50 14.77
Check Daily hand 5 27.50 27.50 0.96 28.46
Lights out each night Lighting System 0.17 0.92 0.92 0.03 0.95
9/14 Pinch t 4-6 nodes hand 5.00 27.50 30.25 1.06 31.31
Move to finish spacing; 14″ centers; insert irrig. tubing cart 13.33 73.33 73.33 2.57 75.90
9/14-30 Water/fertilize as needed Irrigation System 1.95 10.72 16 days 0.25 4.05 14.78 0.52 15.29
Lights out each night
Check Daily hand 5 27.50 27.50 0.96 28.46
9/21 Apply growth retardant sprayer 1.17 6.42 6.42 0.22 6.64
– Cycocel(1:40) 3.33 qt. 50.95 169.66 169.66 5.94 175.60
9/30 Drench for disease control sprayer 2.17 11.92 11.92 0.42 12.33
– Subdue 0.01 qt. 52.90 0.52 0.52 0.02 0.54
– Terraclor 0.63 lb. 9.31 5.82 5.82 0.20 6.02
Water in Trench Irrigation System 0.28 1.56 1.56 0.05 1.61



Date Description Equipment Labor Materials Subtotal
Hours Costs ($) Quant/Unit Cost/Unit Cost ($)
10/1-12 Test soil pH, soluble salts (25 pot sample) pH meter, soluble salts meter 1.12 6.14 6.14 0.21 6.36
Water/fertilize as needed Irrigation System 1.95 10.72 12 days 0.25 3.04 13.76 0.48 14.24
Oxamyl hand 2 12.65 3.05 lbs. 6.62 20.19 32.84 1.15 33.99
Check Daily hand 5 27.50 27.50 0.96 28.46
10/12 Apply growth retardant sprayer 1.17 6.42 6.42 0.22 6.64
– Cycocel(1:80) Optional (if too tall) 3.33 qt. 50.95 169.66 169.66 5.94 175.60
10/12-30 Water/fertilize as needed Irrigation System 1.95 10.72 18 days 0.25 4.56 15.28 0.53 15.82
Check Daily hand 5 27.50 27.50 0.96 28.46
10/30 Drench for disease control sprayer 2.17 11.92 11.92 0.42 12.33
– Truban 0.23 lb. 24.12 5.65 5.65 0.20 5.85
– Terraclor 0.63 lb. 9.31 5.82 5.82 0.20 6.02
Water in Trench Irrigation System 0.28 1.56 1.56 0.05 1.61



Date Description Equipment Labor Materials Subtotal
Hours Costs ($) Quant/Unit Cost/Unit Cost ($)
11/1-30 Water/fertilize as needed Irrigation System 1.95 10.72 130 days 0.25 7.60 18.32 0.64 18.96
Check Daily hand 10 55 55 1.92 56.93
11/15 Adjust night temperature to accelerate or retard growth
11/31 Apply Exotherm Termil for Botrytis preventative Smoke 1.17 6.42 1.17 cans 2.20 2.57 8.98 0.31 9.30

December & Totals


Date Description Equipment Labor Materials Subtotal
Hours Costs ($) Quant/Unit Cost/Unit Cost ($)
12/1-14 Stop fertilizing to prevent Bractburn
Water as needed Irrigation System 1.95 10.72 10.72 0.38 11.10
Check Daily hand 5 27.50 55 1.92 56.93
12/7-14 Sleeve and move to shipping areas as needed cart 6.67 36.67 36.67 1.28 37.95
sleeves 1000 each 0.10 100.00 100.00 3.50 103.50
Total Variable Costs 120.18 660.99 1375.45 2036.43 71.28 2107.71
Total Variable Cost per Plant 0.12 0.66 1.38 2.04 0.07 2.11
Total Fixed Cost per Plant = $/SQ.Ft. * [(0.038yr. * 0.25 SQ. FT.) +(0.23 yr. * 1.166 SQ.FT.)] 2.56
Total Cost per 6″ Poinsettia 4.67

Estimated labor and equipment requirements and associated variable costs for poinsettias for Christmas season in U.S.D.A. climatic zone 8, Texas, 1992.

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