Suggestive Selling

As you close the sale, consider the customer’s need for additional goods or services. Suggestions of complementary merchandise will trigger reflexes in the customers’ minds reminding them how well two or more items work together. Consider suggesting purchases of related items, special-price merchandise or seasonal items. Keep in mind how the customers stated their wants and needs.

Use your imagination to subtly suggest further purchases. For example, consider the following techniques: display related items together, tell about items in other departments, show examples of the merchandise or send a card or make a telephone call when items that may be of interest to the customer come into stock. You must keep trying to fuse the customers’ best interests with the firm’s best interest.

Selling is a matter of being familiar with the merchandise or service your firm offers. Offer encouragement to customers, reinforcing their decision to purchase merchandise. Selling products is the natural result of successfully filling the customer’s needs.




Demonstrate products using a “you” attitude
Differentiate between excuses and objections
Ask only “positive” questions when closing a sale
Suggest complementary merchandise

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