Following is a list of some of the differences and similarities between supermarket and retail florist customers. By understanding the characteristics of the two types of customers, you may find it easier to attract them.
- Fifty-five percent of florist customers buy floral products as gifts compared to 35 percent of supermarket floral customers.
- Florist customers buy cut flowers an average of six times a year, while supermarket customers average four times a year.
- Florist customers spend an average of $19.75 per purchase compared to supermarket customers, who spend an average $6.86.
- Twenty-seven percent of florist customers are male compared to 14 percent of supermarket customers.
- Fifty-five percent of florist customers are employed outside the home compared to 21 percent of supermarket customers. Florist customers generally are high school graduates with one to two years of college. Supermarket customers are high school graduates.
- Both supermarket and florist customers read one to two floral magazine articles each month.
- Both own at least two horticultural books.
- Both own five blooming plants and purchased four blooming plants in the past year.