Pumpkins Crop Guide

Estimated Cost $600 – $800 per acre
Market Outlets Wholesale, grocery store, farmers markets, roadside stands, pick-your-own
Market Potential Good, but seasonally restricted
Yield Potential 15,000- 30,000 lbs/acre
Profit Potential $0 to $1,000 per acre
Adapted Areas Central, North and Northwest Texas
Labor Requirements 4 man-days per acre during harvest
Equipment Requirements Tractor, shredder, disk, bedder, planter, herbicide sprayer, insect/disease sprayer, trailer and irrigation system
Soil Requirements Medium to heavy, well-drained soil
Water Requirements 15 to 20 inches from June through September
Minimum Size 1 to 10 acres
Risk Factor Moderate to high
Other Limiting Factors Weeds, downy and powdery mildew of foliage, viruses, squash vine borer; adequate bees for pollination.
Comments Most pumpkin sales are made before the Halloween and Thanksgiving seasons.

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