Cucumber Crop Guide

Estimated Cost $800 to $1000 per acre up to harvest
Market Outlets Food service, wholesale, grocery store, farmer’s markets, roadside, pick-your-own
Market Potential Moderate; seasonal peaks; very competitive at times
Yield Potential 250-300 55lb cartons/ac
Profit Potential $0 to $1,000 per acre
Adapted Areas Statewide
Labor Requirements 1 to 2 man-days per acre during harvest
Equipment Requirements Tractor, shredder, disk, bedder, planter, insect/disease sprayer, trailer and irrigation system
Soil Requirements Sandy to medium textured soil with good drainage
Water Requirements 15 to 20 inches water per acre during season
Minimum Size 1 to 5 acres
Risk Factor Moderate to high
Other Limiting Factors Early freeze, weeds, diseases, rain and insects. Must have honey bees for crop pollination.
Comments Wholesale costs range from 20 to 30 percent for growing and 70 to 80 percent of costs for harvesting, grading, labor and transportation. (Direct-to-consumer sales have a volume limit but return more per unit to producer.) Cucumbers have a spring and fall season in most areas of Texas.

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