I have been remiss in not posting more often, but its been a whirlwind trip here with much to see and do.  The fruit growers here are amazing and what is perhaps most remarkable is the number and kinds of crops growing side by side.    Here is what I have been seeing on a daily basis. Seen a number of first class fruit nurseries growing peach, pear, pomegranate, all kinds of citrus, mango, you name it.


And here are just a few more fields.


Many different kinds of table grapes,  mostly grown for exportIMAG0656

In some places the groundwater has been pumped so extensively that the salinity has increased to the point where peaches and grapes can no longer be grown.  In this farm, such former crops have been replaced by 400 fadan (4200 sq. meters or 1.038 acres) of pomegranates.  The grower plans to increase the planting to 1000 fadan withing the next couple of years.


Same farm, here Citrus is interplanted with Date Palm


And in many places, banana is a good rotational crop, one year to establish, harvest two years, then back to long term perennial crops






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