Here you will find posts, at least weekly covering a wide variety of fruit topics from growing tips, to variety suggestions, answers to questions, events and whatever we think might peak your interest. While botanically crops such as watermelon and tomato are considered fruit, in the horticultural world, fruit are defined as perennial fruiting crops. Whether tropical or temperate, most fruit crops are woody plants, but under cultivation fruit such as strawberries are commonly treated as tender annual crops and others such as banana are actually grasses.
While I am taking the steps of starting this blog, Larry Stein and Monte Nesbitt have expressed interest in being future contributors. We welcome your photos and questions which we will both answer personally and post for others to view. Feel free to comment on crops or topics you would like to see addressed in this blog and we will do our best to accommodate. Questions and comments can be forwarded to me at

Jim Kamas
Asst. Professor & Extension Horticulturist- Pomology & Viticulture
Outreach Coordinator- Texas Pierce’s Disease Research & Education Program
Texas Agrilife Extension Service
Fredericksburg, Texas

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