Monthly Archives: June 2012

More on the Jamboree

Our guest judges this year were Daphne Richards, Extension Horticulturist in Travis County and her partner in plunder, Auggie.  (  Took quite a bit of work, and the competition was tough, but five places were established for perfect peach,eighth, quarter and half bushel categories.  They finished with a live interview on KFAN Radio. In addition … […]

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2012 Stonewall Peach Jamboree

Late freezes and extended drought have been hard on all fruit crops in the last few years, but 2012 has shaped up to be one of the best in quite some time.  Fall rains, chilly, but not brutal winter weather and timely spring rains have resulted in a great crop of high quality peaches in … […]

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Welcome to the Aggie Horticulture Fruit Blog

Here you will find posts, at least weekly covering a wide variety of fruit topics from growing tips, to variety suggestions, answers to questions, events and whatever we think might peak your interest. While botanically crops such as watermelon and tomato are considered fruit, in the horticultural world, fruit are defined as perennial fruiting crops. … […]

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