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201 plants with a total of common names were found
- Alkali sacaton
- Annual sunflower
- Antelopehorn Milkweed
- Amaranth
- Austrailian Saltbush
- Algerita
- Allthorn
- Annual Broomweed
- Annual croton: One-seed croton
- Annual croton: Texas croton
- Annual croton: Woolly croton
- Ashe juniper
- African Rue
- Black Cherry
- Blue brush
- Black Nightshade
- Burrograss
- Buttercup
- Bracken Fern
- Bush muhly
- Broom Snakeweed
- Blackbrush
- Bermudagrass
- Buttonbush
- Big cenchrus
- Buffelgrass
- Buffalograss
- Blue Grama
- Black Grama
- Broad-leafed Milkweed
- Big Bluestem
- Beebrush
- Beebush
- Bois d'arc
- Blackbrush
- Blackbrush Acacia
- Bitter sneezeweed
- Basin sneezeweed
- Buffalo-bur
- Burrobrush
- Blueberry juniper
- Cutleaf Daisy
- Cocklebur
- Crinkleawn
- Cherry
- Cholla
- Common Oleander
- Catclaw mimosa
- Ceniza
- Creosotebush
- Coyotillo
- Common curlymesquite
- Common sunflower
- Curlycup gumweed
- Canada wildrye
- California cottontop
- Coulter Conyza
- Cane Bluestem
- Cane Beardgrass
- Common Milkweed
- Cuman Ragweed
- Common Ragweed
- Carelessweed
- Catclaw Acacia
- Camphorweed
- Chaparro Prieto
- Crown of Thorns
- Common Broomweed
- Clavellina
- Dutchman's Breeches
- Desert yaupon
- Dock
- Dallisgrass
- Desert Spike
- Desert Tobacco
- Dallisgrass Ergot
- Desert willow
- Desert Myrtlecroton
- Desert Baileya
- Desert Marigold
- Dog cactus
- Dog cholla
- Foxtail Grass
- Fragrant sumac
- Fall witchgrass
- Fluffgrass
- Feather dalea
- Four-wing saltbush
- Fragrant mimosa
- Gumdrop tree
- Golden ball lead tree
- Gordon Bladderpod
- Green sprangletop
- Greasewood
- Galleta
- Golden Corydalis
- Gregg's Catclaw Acacia
- Gavia
- Garboncillo
- Giant Ragweed
- Great Ragweed
- Gray goldaster
- Guajillo
- Guajillo Acacia
- Guayacan
- Hackberry
- Havard shinoak
- Hall panicum
- Hairy Caltrop
- Hairy tridens
- Horsetail Conyza
- Hog-plum
- Hooded windmillgrass
- Hairy Grama
- Horsetail Milkweed
- Honey mesquite
- Horehound
- Leatherstem
- Lotebush
- Lindheimer Senna
- Little bluestem
- Lanceleaf salvia
- Littleleaf sumac
- Little-leaf lead tree
- Little barley
- Larkspur
- Lechuguilla
- Mexican buckeye
- Mescal Bean
- Mohrs shin oak
- Mexican devil-weed
- Marshelder
- Mala mujer
- Mountain Mahogany
- Mountain Pink
- Mimosa
- Maguey Lechuguilla
- Maple
- Mescat Acacia
- Mescat Wattle
- Pricklyash
- Poison ivy
- Plains bristlegrass
- Paperflowers
- Peach
- Plantain
- Pink pappusgrass
- Pricklypear
- Purplesage
- Pinchot juniper
- Perennial Broomweed
- Plains lovegrass
- Poison Hemlock
- Purple threeawn
- Perennial Ragweed
- Pigweed
- Persian Silk Tree
- Prairie Broomweed
- Riddell Groundsel
- Russian Thistle
- Retama
- Ryegrass
- Redberry juniper
- Rayless goldenrod
- Russian olive
- Rescuegrass
- Roosevelt willow
- Rattleweed
- Sugar Hackberry
- Sugarberry
- Southwestern Bristlegrass
- Scheele’s Bristlegrass
- Senecio
- Saltcedar
- Sand dropseed
- Silverleaf nightshade
- Skunkbush sumac
- Sand shinnery oak
- Switchgrass
- Sacahuista
- Sweetclover
- Spiny aster
- Smallhead Sneezeweed
- Snow-on-the-Mountain
- Snow-on-the-Prairie
- Scribner dichanthelium
- Snailseed
- Starthistles
- Sugar hackberry
- Sugarberry
- Sideoats Grama
- Silver Bluestem
- Silver Beardgrass
- Seepwillow
- Sand sagebrush
- Silktree
- Shindagger
- Soapbush
- Tansy Mustard
- Threadleaf groundsel
- Tickle-tongue
- Tamarisk
- Texas wintergrass
- Trecul Stillingia
- Texas Mountain Laurel
- Twinleaf senna
- Twoleaf senna
- Tumblegrass
- Threadleaf Sartwellia
- Tumbleweed
- Talloweed
- Tasajillo
- Turkey pear
- Tree tobacco
- Texas silverleaf
- Tobosa
- Tanglehead
- Tarbush
- Tall fescue
- Texas kidneywood
- Thickleaf Drymary
- Texas persimmon
- Thornapples
- Texas Colubrina
- Texas bullnettle
- Tobosagrass Ergot
- Thistles
- Tumble windmillgrass
- Texas grama
- Tall Bluestem
- Texas Catclaw
- Western Hackberry
- Wild Onion
- White tridens
- Western soapberry
- Willow
- Wild Plum
- Wolfberry
- Wolfweed
- Warty Caltrop
- Western bitterweed
- Wright buckwheat
- Weeping lovegrass
- Wild carrot
- Willow baccharis
- Woolly locoweed
- Woolly loco
- Wright threeawn
- Western Ragweed
- Whitebrush
- White-brush
- Western Wheatgrass
- White-thorn Acacia
- Whitethorn Acacia