Sugar hackberry, Sugarberry

Celtis laevigata Willd.

Ulmaceae (Elm family)


Hackberry species occur throughout Texas; five species are trees and one species is shrublike. The two species most common across the state are Celtis laevigata, also called "sugarberry" or "sugar hackberry," and C. reticulate, also known as "netleaf hackberry" or "western hackberry." C. Laevigata also has two recognized varieties.

The trees have strong tap roots and many shallow, spreading roots. The bark is mostly smooth and gray, with small bumps or warts on the older stems. The wood has a characteristic yellowish white color.

The leaves of hackberry have a rough texture, like sandpaper. The leaf underside has large, netlike veins. Although not noticeable, the flowers occur in early spring and develop into rounded, succulent, reddish brown fruits (drupes) that persists on the tree throughout the winter.

The forage value is fair for wildlife and poor for livestock.


Hackberry grows in rocky draws and arroyos and other low areas receiving adequate moisture.
