
Buchloe dactyloides



Buffalograss forms sod with creeping stolons that take root at the leafy nodes. Nodes are smooth and the 2- to 2 1/2-inch long internodes are flattened and shorter than in common curlymesquite. Foliage turns reddish brown after frost. The ligule is a short, ciliate membrane. Male and female plants grow in separate colonies. Female plants bear seeds in bur-like clusters among the leaves (top drawing). Male plants have flag-like seed heads with two or three spikes (bottom drawing). Produces seed throughout the year.

Buffalograss is a perennial, warm-season, native - 4 to 12 inches tall.

Good grazing for livestock. Fair grazing for wildlife.


Grows on plains, prairies and mowed roadsides. Increases on heavily grazed tall-grass regions.
