Horticulture is all about plants and people enjoying looking at pictures of plants for reference and ideas. With the help of many collaborators, we’ve assembled a few theme-oriented searchable databases for use in our classes and for the public to use and enjoy.
- Texas Urban Landscape Guide
- Texas Native Trees
- Texas Native Shrubs
- Earth-Kind Roses
- Texas Superstar™ (PDF)
- Texas Superstar™ Plant Database
- Landscape Plants
- Crape Myrtles for Texas
- Wildflowers in Bloom
- Cornell Herbaceous Perennials
- Vegetative Annuals
- Interiorscape Plants
- Interior Plants Database
- PLANTanswers Cactus Culture
- Butterflies in bloom
- Native and Adapted Landscape Plants for Central Texas (PDF)
- Ornamentals for the Texas Gulf Coast
- Ornamental Plants for Far West Texas
- Greenhouse Photo Archive
- Gallery of Fruits and Veggies
- Vegetable Seed Information
- USDA Pecan Database