2022 crop sales

This year we are implementing a different process than we have in years past. Please see the instructions below.
Thank you for visiting the Horticulture Pecan Sales! We are eager and excited for this year’s sale! The sale is for shelled pecan kernals and all sales are final.
- Order Online
All items are 1-pound bags of pecans at $12.00 per pound.
Credit card payment is the only accepted payment method for online orders. Cash or checks will be accepted for orders made in-person.
2022 crop sale: online order form - Package receiving options: Pick up instructions will also be included on your order’s confirmation and fulfillment emails.
A.) Pick up date and time is every Friday from 8 a.m to 3 p.m at 1500 Research Pkwy, College Station, TX 77845. Please have proof of purchase upon arrival. Please bring a copy of your order receipt and a form of identification with you to your arrive.
B.) On-site/walk-in orders will be accepted (Accepting cash, checks, credit cards).
C.) Have your order shipped to you. Please note that there is an additional shipping fee associated with this option. - Enjoy the delicious pecans!
Here are a few Texas Pecan Recipes and Dinner Tonight Pecan Recipes.