Threadleaf Sartwellia

Sartwellia flaveriae

Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)


Threadleaf sartwellia is a bushy, stiff-branched annual of the sunflower family that typically grows from 6 inches to 2 feet tall. It is the only species in this genus recorded in Texas. Its numerous leaves are threadlike, sticky and 1 to 2 inches long. The yellow composite flowers emerge from August through October. This plant is easily confused with perennial broomweed.


Threadleaf sartwellia grows in alkaline or gypsiferous soils and can form dense stands. Found in the Trans-Pecos and western Edwards Plateau regions of Texas, it is especially common along highways in Reeves, Loving and Ward counties.

Toxic Agent

The toxic agent is unknown. Poisoning has been demonstrated only in goats. The toxic dose is 1.5 to 3.0 percent of the animal's weight in green plant material.

Signs of Livestock Ingestion

Signs documented in rangeland situations include: Gradual loss of weight despite normal appetite; Distended abdomen.

In feeding experiments, goats ate the plant readily until signs of anorexia appeared within 6 to 28 days. They died after continued forced feeding. Postmortem examination has revealed kidney damage and liver necrosis with numerous grayish yellow areas throughout.

Management Strategies

Remove goats with poisoning signs from infested areas and give them good-quality feed and water. Good grazing management practices that provide a variety of forage plants should limit threadleaf sartwellia consumption.
