Spiny hackberry, Granjeno

Celtis pallida Torr.

Ulmaceae (Elm family)


Spiny hackberry, or granjeno, is a native, cool-season perennial shrub reaching 4 to 15 feet tall. Growing along its stems are characteristic thorns that are sharp, heavy, unequal and paired. Its smooth, gray branches zigzag between the thorns.

The leaf blades are hairy and somewhat rough. Each leaf has three prominent veins and is toothed or sparsely toothed along the margins. The leaves are simple, arranged alternately along the stem, ½ to 2¼ inches long and ½ to 1 inch wide.

Spiny hackberry flowers are greenish white. The fruit is a yellow or orange - occasionally red - drupe, which is a fleshy fruit such as a peach or plum that usually contains a hard stone enclosing a seed.

This shrub provides excellent food and cover for wildlife. The fruit is eaten by a number of birds and mammals, and the leaves provide browse for white-tailed deer.


Spiny hackberry is found on a variety of soils in brush thickets and other brushlands, mainly in South Texas and the Edwards Plateau.
