Catclaw mimosa

Mimosa biuncifera Benth.

Fabaceae (Legume family)


This spiny, thicket-forming, native shrub in the legume family grows to 8 feet tall. The spines of catclaw mimosa are stout, upward pointing, flat at the base and generally paired at each node. The stems are typically flexible, angled and alternating direction at each node.

The long, crowded leaves are made up of many opposite leaflets that are hairless. The leaves originate at each node on a short pedicel, or small stalk. Yellow or Pink to whitish rounded flowers occur in the spring and are very fragrant. By September, the fruits mature into linear, curved or straight bean pods.

The forage value of this shrub is poor for livestock and fair for wildlife.


Catclaw mimosa is found mainly on dry hills and mesas in Central and West Texas.
