Blue panicum

Panicum antidotale



Coarse stems grow from a dense crown of thick, short, bulbous rhizomes. Lower stems have large nodes and internodes with branches coming from the nodes. Leaves are 7 to 12 inches long, abundant, and flat with a heavy midrib on the underside. Terminal panicles are long, loose, open, and usually erect, but droop slightly at maturity. The spikelets are greenish yellow, very slick and shiny, and are borne on the tip of rather long seed branches. Produces abundant forage when managed as a pasture plant. The use of this grass for range reseeding has declined.

Blue panicum is a perennial, warm-season, introduced - 48 to 84 inches tall.

Good grazing for both livestock and wildlife. Can cause prussic acid poisoning in livestock at certain stages of growth.


Grows on clay loam soils. Native to India.
